The East Haddam Land Trust and East Haddam Historical Society have collaborated on a series of award-winning mini-documentaries and a museum display illustrating how land preservation often preserves local history.
We created three videos for the project on local preserves (Hammond Mill, Patrell, and Bernstein preserves) and two more profiling the land trust and the historical society.. The videos feature contemporary interviews with local historians and conservationists, beautiful new drone and earthbound footage, and historical photo archives. The common theme is how East Haddam's open space and protected land are connected to its history and sense of place.
The project is a collaboration between the East Haddam Historical Society and East Haddam Land Trust, with lead funding from CT Humanities and additional support from Eightmile River Wild & Scenic Watershed.
"Saving Land, Saving HIstory" was awarded the 2020 Tom Odell Distinguished Service Award from The Rockfall Foundation, the 2021 Excellence in Conservation Award from the CT Land Conservation Council and the 2021 Award of Merit from the CT League of History Organizations.
Saving Land, Saving History spotlights local conservation, recreation, history
Saving Land, Saving History
Saving Land, Saving History

East Haddam Land Trust

The Morning Bells of Moodus

East Haddam Historical Society

Bernstein Preserve

Patrell Preserve

Hammond Mill Preserve

East Haddam's Hidden Falls

The Twine Capital of America