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As We Tell Our Stories
The history, culture and politics of Connecticut's Native Americans. Mohegan medicine woman Gladys Tantaquidgeon and her museum were a key to federal recognition and tribal resurgence.
From the Colonial period to today, Connecticut has benefited from its location between the two major cities. How has our sense of place and of ourselves changed through the years?
Between Boston & New York
Hartford's Revolver King Sam Colt and his wife Elizabeth were international media stars in the 19th century. Colt's state-of-the-art firearms won wars and created an industrial empire.
Colt: Legend & Legacy
How the sea influences state history, culture, agriculture and commerce. Walter Cronkie narrates the story, which spans native fishing to today's tourism industry.
Connecticut & the Sea
Seven U.S. Supreme Court cases that involved Connecticut residents. The Jehovah's Witnesses won a freedom-of-religion case relating to their door-to-door canvassing in Connecticut.
Crusaders & Criminals
The story of Eastern Connecticut, from the Revolution to the casinos. The towns east of the Connecticut River share a geographical area but what do they have in common?
East of the River
From Here to There
In Connecticut all roads lead to the suburbs, but it's taking longer to get there or anywhere else. How transportation policy impacts how we get around, the state economy, and its culture.
Many of Connecticut's 169 towns have a town green, or the remnants of one. The green is a town's treasured community icon, often still the place where the community gathers.
The Green
Left to Die
Four Rogers and five Sullivan brothers served together on the USS Juneau in WWII. All but one died with 700 shipmates in one of the worst U.S. naval disasters. The Navy hid the facts for years.
The legendary Mohegan sachem Uncas was the major player in 17th-Century America. He befriended the colonists, helped to vanquish tribal rivals and saved his people.
The Mark of Uncas
The history and rebirth of the Mashantucket Pequot tribe. Former Chairman Skip Hayward brought the tribe back together, acquired federal recognition, and opened a very lucrative casino.
The New Pequot
The life and times of Connecticut's most popular media personality ever. Bob Steele brightened the mornings of radio listeners for more than 65 years with his corny humor and instantly recognized voice.
The Real Bob Steele
The Mashantucket Pequot's World Championship of Indian Song and Dance is a huge powwow that features competitive Native dance, drumming and singing, with handcrafts and food.
Our love for the suburbs is a defining part of life in the state. Connecticut is one of the most highly suburbanized states in the country. The suburbs are where we want to be, but at what price?
Suburbia: The Good Life?
USS Nautilus was the first nuclear submarine. It proved that nuclear power could boost the power, durability and stealth of subs. It was also proof-of-concept for civilian nuclear energy.
USS Nautilus
The story of Connecticut agriculture, narrated by Sam Waterston. The state's farmers helped to build the state, give sustenance to millions, and provide residents with a special sense of place.
Working the Land
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